Hiirulainen sirkuksessa 20.4. – 28.4. at Mukamas


The circus arrives in Mukamas! Popular Hiirulainen sirkuksessa is a fun story for the whole family. In the performance, Hiirulainen (Little Mouse) unexpectedly finds himself in the circus, where he meets Ballerina, Clown and Circus director.

Welcome to experience the magic of the puppet theater!

Hiirulainen sirkuksessa | 3+ | duration: c. 40 min
sat 20.4. at 11 & 15
sun 21.4. at 11 & 15
fri 26.4. at 10 & 18
sat 27.4. at 11 & 15
sun 28.4. at 11 & 15

Children and adults 15 € / person
Weekday morning tickets á 12 € (Mon-Fri 10 am shows)
Group ticket 52 € (incl. 4 tickets)

Online: Lippu.fi
Lippupiste ticket outlets: Search for an outlet

Ticket reservations and inquiries:
toimisto(a)teatterimukamas.com, tel. 040 127 9092