Hiirulainen sirkuksessa on home stage on October 5–8!


Would it be time for a little autumn magic? 🪄🎈🐭 October’s performances start with the popular Hiirulainen sirkuksessa-show. In the whole family’s adventure, Mukamas’ familiar Hiirulainen has gotten lost in the circus. What does the circus director think when he sees Little Mouse? And what happens when the magic wand does not work the way it used to? A clown and a ballerina are also performing tricks.

The show is almost fully booked. There is still room in these performances:
Thu 5.10. at 18.00
Fri 6.10. at 18.00

Age recommendation: 3 years and up.
On Teatteri Mukamas’ home stage.
Duration: c. 40 min


Children and adults 15 € / person
Group ticket 52 € (incl. 4 tickets)

Online: Lippu.fi
Lippupiste ticket outlets: Search for an outlet

Ticket reservations, inquiries and group sales:
toimisto(a)teatterimukamas.com, tel. 040 127 9092

The performance can also be ordered all over Finland! Också på svenska.
Touring sales:
myynti(a)teatterimukamas.com, p. 050 465 6285