
Teatteri Mukamas’ popular theatre camp for 8–12 year-olds will be held in June 2025.

The day camp will be held in the Teatteri Mukamas premises in Pispala.
Mon 2.6. – Fri 6.6.2025, 9.00-16.00.

Book a place by 16.2. for a REDUCED PRICE of 200 € (rrp. 220 €)
Price includes mostly organic meals (breakfast, lunch, snack), guided activities, materials and insurance.

During the week, campers will have the opportunity to take a peek into the world of theatre under the guidance of actors. The week culminates on Friday with a theatre performance by the campers themselves, which parents and friends are welcome to attend.

No previous theatre experience is required to take part.

You are warmly welcome to join us! 🌼

REGISTER by email: toimisto(a)
Inquiries: tel. 040 127 9092 (weekdays at 9.00 – 15.00)
Sign up by 30.4.2025 at the latest.

*The camp will take place if there are enough registrations.
Registration is binding.